M.C.E. Society’s A. K.K. New Law Academy was established in 1994 and named after Hon’ble Late Adv. Mr. Abdul Kadir Khan. The college, situated at Azam Campus is located at the heart of Pune City with a pleasing surrounding spread over 24 acres. The Azam Campus is a conglomeration of 29 various educational institutions catering to the need of around 25,000 students right from primary school to post graduate and research level in the field of Arts, Science, Commerce, Computer Science, Education, Law, Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentistry, Management, Architecture, Hospitality, etc., with the modern multi-storey buildings designed and constructed to give the best educational atmosphere and hostel complex for boys and girls separately. A. K. K. New Law Academy at Azam Campus is enclosed in such ambience as it helps to maintain a congenial environment for study and reflection. The college offers a rich environment for studying law andprepares the students to enter into legal profession. From your first day of classes, you will get benefit from a hands-on academic programme and well-equipped computer lab with high speed computers and free internet facility.The college is approved by Bar Council of India and Permanently Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University. It has been recognised under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of U G C Act, 1956. The college has been accredited by NAAC.
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